Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sept 14/15th we held a large garage sale as an Adoption Fundraiser.
We had many great items donated by some awesome friends and friends of friends,church family, neighbours, and even from people we do not know! Our children operated a lemonade and muffin/baked goods stand. We had two very busy days, and raised $1300 for our adoption fees!!!!
Absolutely awesome! Our most sincere, and deepest thanks to all who donated, helped us set up, and those who purchased from our sale!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1st
Well, we were expecting Joe home for a few weeks, to coincide with a required training course. However, we were then given the rather shocking, and devastating news that due to overstaffing.....he would be coming home for over three months, with NO pay!!! This would be a challenge in any circumstance, but especially devastating when we are already on a 'very' tight budget to save, save, save every penny for our pending adoptions!! This will be a very difficult time for us, and I fail to see how we will make ends meet! Although it will be great to have him home....not having a paycheck does not help our need to bring our daughter home asap for her necessary heart surgery!
I will try to stay positive, but this seems very daunting, and overwhelming right now!